MEET THE TEACHER Katharine Evans

How did you first discover yoga, and what inspired you to become a yoga teacher?

Katharine: I first discovered yoga as a very young child doing poses out of my Mum's copy of Richard Hittleman's Yoga 28 Day Exercise Plan which was really popular in the 1970s! My journey properly started when I was in my early 20's and a therapist recommended I try it to support my mental health. I took my first yoga teacher training to deepen my own practice and something changed over the 9 months that I studied and I wanted to be able to hold space for people like my teachers did for me.

What do you enjoy most about teaching yoga to others?

Katharine: Seeing everyone in the class on their own journey, doing their own thing, smiling, frowning, taking what they need from the class in that moment and knowing that I am doing my best to hold them as safely as I can.

Are there any specific yoga philosophies or teachings that resonate with you the most?

Katharine: The three gunas are something that is really resonating with me at the moment. Tantric yoga shows us that everything consists of three qualities; Tamas: darkness and chaos, Rajas: activity and passion and Sattva: beingness and harmony. We can dial them up and down but importantly we embrace all three qualities, even the darkness, and don't bypass that side of ourselves.

I also always come back to Yoga Sutra 2.46, sthira sukham asanam loosely translated as 'the posture for meditation should be steady, stable, and comfortable'. It supports me both on and off my mat - where am forcing things and could bring some ease? Where could I find a little more steadiness or apply myself a little more? For me, it's all about balance and honestly tuning in to where I'm at.

How do you balance your own yoga practice with teaching and other responsibilities?

Katharine: Firstly, I don't beat myself up if my routine changes, but I do take note of how it has made me feel and try and bring balance back into my life because I just feel better with a bit more of a routine (as much as I may want to rebel against it every now and again!) On a practical note I still practice every week with a couple of my teachers so this really holds me accountable and means that I schedule these classes like I would a session with a client, seeing family or a work meeting.

What are some common misconceptions about yoga that you'd like to dispel?

Katharine: That it's all about the Asana (postures)! Yoga is so much more. Asana is an important component but there are so many ways to experience yoga. A yoga practice just like a yoga pose will look different for everyone. Find teachers, studios and yoga traditions that feel right to you and allow you to bring your whole self to the mat.

Thank you Katharine!


